Sales and Use Tax Frequently Asked Questions

Where's my refund?

We have 90 days to review and process all refund requests. If it has been longer than 90 days, please contact the sales tax unit.

Why am I still showing a balance due on MyTaxes when I have already made the payment?

Payments can take up to two business days to reflect as paid on MyTaxes.

How do I request a waiver of penalty?

You can submit a letter or web notice through MyTaxes requesting a penalty waiver. You must include the reason you are requesting the waiver.

How do I close my sales and use tax account?

You can contact us through MyTaxes or by sending a letter with the closing date and the reason you are requesting the account be closed.

How do I get a copy of my sales certificate?

Your Business Registration certificate can also be considered as your sales certificate.

How do I get an exemption certificate?

If your business does not have or does not qualify for a Direct Pay Permit, you can use the F0003 Streamlined Sales and Use Tax Agreement - Certificate of Exemption form found on our website.

Why can’t future periods be automatically available?

Periods are made available on the first of each month based on your current filing frequency.